The Truth About Perfectionism
As human beings, we can never reach a state of perfection because we will always be a work in progress

It’s Time to Try Couple’s Counseling
All relationships take work and compromise, but if you are in a relationship that is no longer feeling healthy, here are 5 warning signs that it may be time to try couples counseling.

Body Positive Weight Management
All human beings, regardless of their size, should feel good about themselves.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Relationships can only be healthy when both people have the space to be themselves and maintain their personal integrity.

Could Your Family Benefit from Family Counseling?
Not every family acts like something out of a 1950s television sitcom. Most have their own fair share of problems, but family therapy can help address them.

Are You Doing Self-Care Wrong?
The right kind of self-care improves our health and life, and it can also improve the relationships we have with others.

Welcome to Anchor of Hope
Welcome to Anchor of Hope Counseling and Neurofeedback! We are here to help you be steady in life’s storms.